Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do you think the internet dating indeed works?

So...i try to find a girl in many "net" ways...such as myspace, mirc, other dating sites...And I try already months or if not years :)), and I don't want to give up that easily :)). But it seems that it's just IMPOSSIBLE to find a girl online. And yeah...i tried many different approaches, many different pictures of me, many sites.

But nothing works (and neither my expectations are big).

So what do you think? Is the internet dating useless???

Thanks :)

Do you think the internet dating indeed works?
umm......u know wat

just don't waste ur time finding a girl online

its just stupid

that's not a real world,probably u may hook up with a 60 years old

try to find a girl u already know or u met her

i believe is that finding a date online is just weird

Reply:depends from person to person
Reply:i dont think internet dating is useless but maybe you just need to step OFF LINE and fine a girl in real life and not just online
Reply:I have never tried it, although people have suggested it to me. I feel like it's unnatural. But if it works. Good luck!!! Are you just picky?? You are attractive so what seems to be the problem. Let us know if you have any luck!!
Reply:It works for some ppl, me and my bf (of 2 years) met on-line
Reply:it works for some ppl not everyone... instead of trying 2 find somebody on the internet, go out into public and find someone... it's not that hard... maybe one of your friends could set u up w/ someone.
Reply:Dude I did a thing on and went out with this chick. She was a nut case from hell pulled all my contact crap from all net dating sources be cautious. I found that when you quit looking someone then shows up in your life when you least expect it.

Good luck
Reply:Internet dating works for some people but not all. With internet dating you don't always know what type of person you are talking to and there is usually a lot of baggage under the surface. However internet dating can be useful to a person that doesn't have the time to drive around town looking for the girl that is right for you.
Reply:No it is not useless. I met some wonderful people through internet dating. It isn't so much the picture, or the site. It is what you are about as a person. I found that there are alot of smart girls on the internet who are looking for a guy that can articulate, that has a little depth, %26amp; can show a sensitive side.

Internet dating is so much more than a pic %26amp; a few lines. That may work somewhere but in reality, most girls that are real %26amp; on those sites want a little more than a picture. There needs to be some substance there.
Reply:For some people, there's no luck. But there is a chance you'll find your special someone. :)
Reply:If you want to live mostly in your 'mind' , then stick with what your doing. If you want a life, Shut off the comp and go out and meet people.

Comp dating is for the birds or people that are easily led by comp net dating companies. You gotta get real.
Reply:I've had great results from internet dating.
Reply:It worked for me, but I'm sure it is not for everyone.
Reply:Maybe you should stop looking Darlin......I am hardly ever single, My friends tell me I bounce. lol. But my brother when he gets single he stays single for a while and he will tell me...why do you always have some one and I don't.......So I tell him........STOP looking, it will fall into your lap. But right now you need to concentrate on being single and having friends. Life is full of ups and downs, you can try to make things happen, but it is better if you let them come to you. Give it a rest, see what happens. Your actually kinda hot in your pic, so u should have no problem.

Good luck Darlin.
Reply:its works..yes..but it depends on how your approach, how you present yourself, advice be yourself on the chat , don,t excaggerate things or showoff, use caring words like thanks..request..may i...would u ..can i...etc good luck
Reply:Try meeting a girl in REAL life for a change.Internet dating,in my opinion,is just one big lie.
Reply:most people that date ont he internet are just looking for fun or sex unless they go into one of those cites that they have to pay for then their serious
Reply:No, i dont think its just gotta find the right girl ;)
Reply:Sounds like you need maybe to look at more avenues to go down.
Reply:I think interenet dating is it takes the first meeting and the attraction out of it! You fall in love with a picture and some words...You never know if they are really what their picture or fingers say they are!
Reply:yeah i can agree

you can talk to anyone
Reply:Yes, Internet dating is useless. Girls want a more real, long term relationship.

There is a chance, however, and I've heard of this happening (to one of my friends) if you meet a girl that lives somewhat close to you (two hours at the most) and you actually meet her in person, then you can call....that might work...

But girls want something more substantial than some guy over the Internet telling her he likes her. She wants to at least hear his voice over the phone ***
Reply:It works for some, but its a scary world out there and you never know who you're truely talking to. Theres a site called that links you with people that you're compatible with. Some of my friends met their spouses on there.
Reply:Are you workin this site for a date now?*wink*...The interenet is a great tool...just don't be one yourself.....;)
Reply::: Uhh . WEll . YOOh FiiNd NiiCE PPl WiiTOUt EVN lOOkiiNG . MAYb YER tRYiiN tOO hARd ::

:: %26amp;%26amp; . SOME PPl R JUS fAkE ON tHA NEt . Y dONt YOOh tRY lOOkiiN iiN A ClUb OR SOMtHiiN ::
Reply:I believe this all depends on the person and their particular experience within this area. I think that internet dating is along the lines of blind dating. You may be getting to know a person but pictures do not reveal everything. Also, you can never truly know if a relationship will work until you know what it is like to be right in front of the person, without the barrier of a computer.

Speaking from my own experience, I have had only one serious boyfriend from the net. My experience was great for the first few months when I was being shown a facade which I believed to be my boyfriend. By the 4th month, I saw the real him %26amp; it was horrible. I think that net-dating has the potential to work out, as it allows people an opportunity to really get to know each other through conversation and to consider more than the physical appearance of the person in front of them. However, there is always an opportunity for someone to portray a person who they may not necessarily be.

All in all, I believe it is worth the risk, but do practice with caution. Meet the person several times before you set your mind on becoming serious with them. I am not saying they are dangerous, but there is usually more to a person than what you originally think.

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