Monday, November 16, 2009

Trying internet dating?

I met this girl online through an internet dating site, and it happens to be my ex-girlfriend! It's really strange because she broke up with me after I used an internet dating site to date a girl while we were still going out. Yes, I am dating that girl that caused the break-up, but she was getting boring. Anyway, is this all coincidence, or does the online dating site know what's going on?

Trying internet dating?
Yes, the internet dating services are watching all of us. Since they found out you are bored with your current girlfriend, they bribed your ex to entice you. Once you are back with her, they will bribe her again to become a total bore and you will find your current girlfriend, who will at that point be an ex, on the dating site. It's all for the amusement of the dating service owners. They are quite bored with their girlfriends and need something to do.
Reply:Which is why you don't do it.
Reply:You caused the break up and not the other person who you went after. When you go after another while you were in a relationship it is your fault.

Take repsonsiblility and if you really searched yourself you will find you are still doing the same thing. You used internet dating to date a girl while you and the girlfriend were dating. Hello, listen to yourself. It is not the online dating service, it is not the other girl, it is not the ex girl friend. Hello- it is you who has the problem. Hello-hello-hello are you there?
Reply:LOL. I think the online dating sites are more interested in the dating industry than the private investigator industry. If you're following the exact same patterns over and over again, you're bound to run into the same people along the way. Why don't you try being single for a while, since the whole dating thing doesn't seem to work real well for you? Take a break from dating, go out with the guys and enjoy flirting with women. Maybe change a few of your passwords too ;).

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