Thursday, November 19, 2009

Valentine's Day and Internet 'dating' relationship(s) . . .?

I'm a 33-year-old, heterosexual male who is single:

I am a subscribed/paid membership, totaling to at l e a s t $400.00 per month, to the following Internet 'dating' sites to “ ‘find’/‘look’/‘seek’ for a ‘love’ mate and experience mutual ‘love’ with this person”:










I place/post photo(s) of myself on my personal ad/profile for each of the websites listed above.

After I read the match’s personal ad/profile, I write and send a different email to each ‘match’ for initiating contact with peer-aged match (the woman or women).

However, I constantly experience that the ‘matched’ person(s)— the peer-aged women--; regardless of race/ethnicity, regardless of her photo or none on her personal ad/profile; that the peer-aged Women do selectively eliminate me-- they do n o t reply to any of my email(s) I sent-- as potentially being her either platonic friend or amorous/romantic partner based upon h e r preference selection of "Her Ideal Person's" traits, such as:

1) Height,

2) Race/ethnicity

3) 'Body type', and

4) Income/Occupation.

A. What is going on with the Online Internet 'Dating'/"Personal Ad" craze/fad or ‘thing’-- "Woman seeks Man"/"Man

seeks Woman"? ? ?

B. Where are the real Woman; n o t the Woman who are fake/'flakes' or n o t those that are " teasers of

written/worded Personal Ads/Profiles, photos, and such)” ? ? ?

C. What is this: “Popularity Contest”, “Flauntiest Teasing”, “Flirtatious but Fickleness/Finickiest” of these

heterosexual peer-aged people; both men and women; with the Internet/Online Dating Website trend or

‘craze’/‘fad’? ? ?

teasers of

written/worded Personal Ads/Profiles, photos, and such)” ? ? ?

Valentine's Day and Internet 'dating' relationship(s) . . .?
If you find your match right away they stand to lose your money your are spending,they want to keep you as long as they can.When your looking for love it's harder to find if you stop looking it will come.Sometimes these women and men are paid to work for them for you to think they company is working hard to find you someone,by not returning your e-mail keeps you longer and they make more money.Join activities at a church,camping,etc you will enjoy yourself and meet someone faster then these on-line promises they make to you and their pockets are getting full.

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