Have you ever tried internet dating and how did you find it. Did you find your match on there
Have you ever tried internet dating?
Yes. But, you can't go in it thinking your going to find 'the one' you have to go in it thinking, okay, I'm going to open my mind and try this thing out. I trustfully feel that it's not a bad way to go but, just don't put your all in it. Still go out, still date, the Internet is just another way of doing it. Currently, I have one profile on a site and it's working out pretty good, i loving great convo, so it's fulfilling my need at the moment.
Stay Positive.
Reply:I havent tried internet dating but I prefer dates when you spend two hours and you get on with someone and you are mature and then I went to one where it was so short for about an hour and I thought what is the point in this ...ridiculous.
I just expect that from internet dating its psosible there maybe alot of one hour meeting.s..
Reply:can't say that I have. In the chatrooms I've chatted with so many that I'd rather not date that I'd begun to wonder if there were any decent guys around.
Reply:Judging by the look of your boat, I wouldnt bother luv
Reply:no, its not desperate at all!!!! there are many genuine, sexy guys out there, but keep ur eyes well open, and dnt expect TOO much, keep an open mind..........I've tried it, and met some great guys!!
Reply:not from dating but msn im now married with 2 children and very happy))
Reply:i have not tried myself....but my sister did and she is happily married and has the cutest little boy!!! they have been together now bout 5-6-7 years..... it works for some people!
good luck!!!!
Reply:yes pacado i met a girl on there gave her my msn and got chatting , got married at alviston castle in december last year biggest fu;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;in mistake i ever made ,,,,,,STAY AWAY dont go there
Reply:First of all, it's called "Cyber Dating" and second of all, "NO". I never tried it. Sorry if I seem rude. Just telling.
Reply:my mates signed me up without telling me so I got some weird emails, but I did meet some friends from them. havent found my match yet though.
Reply:match . com.....the best..
Reply:never tried it but i like ya pics so if you try it let me no and i will
Reply:Yes i have tried it and no i didn't find a match.
Reply:Nope. But I'm game if you are!
Reply:no thats desperateness.
Reply:No and I won't since I'm getting married to the love of my life! Even when I was single, I never thought about internet dating. The best thing is to go out and meet people face to face, who knows who you be talking to? Could be a serial killer for all you know.
Reply:Yep, I met my fiance on yahoo personals a year ago this month. We really hit it off and now we are getting married in October. We both had great experiences with yahoo personals.. I wish you the best !!
Reply:I have been internet dating for a long time and i love it. I think i have gone on at least 20 dates. i always have a good time. I try to screen out the guys as best i can. good luck, be safe, and have fun.
Reply:Hiya I and some friends of mine have. We all had bad experiences where the person was not like description / photo when we met them. But one of my friends did actually marry someone she met on the net. I think its like dating you have to kiss a few frogs to get your prince.
Reply:no ive never done that
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