Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Use of internet for dating.?

Searching mate on internet dating sites like purcahse of other commodoties is questionable because sumarizing the attitude and behaviours of humans within the given frames is i think impossible so these links are fruitfull?

Use of internet for dating.?
All they do is allow you to reveal all you want about yourself for free, then restrict the ability to communicate by allowing that ability to those who pay, then further frustrate that ability because they don't tell you that only about 10% of all visible profiles actually pay and those who don't pay may never see your messages, or if they do, can't reply back to it. All they want is your money and couldn't care less if your successful because if you are, then you'd have no more reason to pay anymore.
Reply:I think its fine as long as you don't rely on everything you read. Just like with commercialism. Many times you buy something because of a commercial or the boxing only to find out its crap. The internet opens up a bigger chance of meeting people you would not normally meet. I met my husband on the internet. But before him I met many men that once you meet them (in a very public place) you realize this is someone you would not like. And you start again. The internet dating is the same thing as any commodity out there. Never believe everything you read or see. If you go in thinking of it carefully and not placing all your hopes on it.. You should be just fine.
Reply:Internet Dating is great. i found the love of my life.. off of the internet.. and we seen eachother.. and held eachother.. and cared for one another.., i met my one and only.., at the lord does work in Mysterious ways.
Reply:nope-been there done that.

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