Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tired of internet dating?

I am getting so fed up w/internet dating. I meet a guy, go on a couple of dates but it never turns into anything or there is something wrong with the person, if it's some drama they are dealing with or they are still married, ect.

I know I need to take a break from it, but when I get bored, I find myself back on the net chating with some random guy.

Am I sad, lonely, bored or what?

Tired of internet dating?
Sounds like a combination of feelings. Nothing wrong with chatting. Who knows in time you may meet the right person.
Reply:Maybe it's a combination of all of the things you listed. Every one of us would like to think that we don't need another human to fulfill us, but that's not always the case. Sometimes I prefer to be by myself. Sometimes I desire the validation of someone to listen to me, and that's totally fine. Sometimes that person can be one of my guy buddies and sometimes I desire it to be a female. We all want to touch someone's life and have ours touched in return.
Reply:I know the feeling only I never get past the first date. I have met some nice normal guys but if i was attracted to them, I didn't hear from them ever again and the ones that i wasn't attracted to where the one's trying to kiss me at the end of the date. I have met some weird ones too. Last saturday I had a date with a guy who was a smoker, had a temper, lied about being divorced (actually had never been married and at age 52, that is a red flag), and acted weird and freaked me out during the date only to write later appoligizing for having a few drinks before meeting me to calm his nerves (drunk).

You are probably sad and lonely as I am too. It is really sad that the few married men that i have met in the past for "my own reaasons" have been attractive, successful, normall, stable, and had good outgoing personalities where as is seems like the single men I meet that are my age range 40-50 are either weird guys that have never been married or had children or they are divorced guys that seem normal and stuff but are either ugly or fat or if they are attractive, they don't like me. I keep trying but you know I cancelled two dates one yesterday and one today because of second thoughts and I feel better about it. I have one to go on tomorrow though because it is the only one that we actually set a time for. He is geeky looking so I know it will be loads of fun. Also single never married at 52, yikes, this will be the last of these I meet. Good luck to you though and try not to give up as I know exactly how you feel.


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