Friday, April 16, 2010

What is the overall view of Christian Internet dating?

What is the overall view of Christian Internet dating?

It has now become one of the most popular and convenient ways for christians of this generation to meet and date. However is it right? is it safe? Can we really meet the partner God intends for us or are we open to being conned? I would love to hear your views and experiences...

What is the overall view of Christian Internet dating?
I know several people who have tried this type of dating. However, here's the problem: Any type of long distance dating does not allow us to see the real person and what they're really like. It's easy to put on a pretense online, but seeing someone interact with others shows their true self. Until you meet the person, you never know who they really are. I know of someone who is anti-Christian (someone the Bible would call an apostate) who is on a Christian online dating service. He is apparently trying to lure some away from the faith. Internet dating is very dangerous. Don't do it.
Reply:I know someone who went through E Harmony and she is married now and happy. She married a wonderful christian man. So I dont know...I mean from her experience I guess it is good- But if I were single I could not see myself going to a internet dating site- maybe I would who knows...but in the past I would of never of done that. Seems like you cannot trust anyone these days- especially online. But pray about this- God knows the desires of your heart...and He will work out what is best for you.
Reply:I think the problem is that many of the men on these sites are not as honest as they should be. If you are looking for just sex then be honest about it! Dont make out you want a wife or a soulmate Please! personally i dont altogether trust them + the sites are just out to make a quick buck, do they check the candidates?
Reply:Any kind of internet dating can be rough. But it's a great way (in my opinion) to get to know each other , before meeting in person.,
Reply:I would give it a try, but would be careful too :)

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