Monday, April 12, 2010

If you frown upon internet dating do not answer this question!?

or you will be reported!!

my internet girlfreinds has a lot on her mind lots of homework exams and sports she hardly talkis to me...sometiems for an hour a day if im lucky..sometiems not at all...she often says she has to go but shell be back and doesnt come back at all..the next day she awlays feels really bad about it and i dont want her to feel bad but i still wish she could talk to me more...


If you frown upon internet dating do not answer this question!?
Well, just talk to her when she can and see where it goes.

If you get too frustrated, give it up.

She might even make a better effort at it.
Reply:Everyone makes time for what they want to make time for. If she's finding excuses, finding other places to be, she's not really interested in you. Internet dating can be fantastic! But real life is even better, because you learn about the person not by words but by body language.

Good luck, be honest, and be strong.
Reply:Um. So what's your question?
Reply:Maybe you should ask her why she never makes it back when she says she will. I don't think internet dating is dumb but I know that sometimes people aren't always truthful. With summer vacation coming up you should be able to talk more. Tell her you would like to set up a schedule where you would both be online at the same times so you could talk. Maybe you can set up a couple of times each day. You need to be able to communicate about your feelings with her on being able to talk more. Don't hide how you feel about it and maybe you two can get something worked out. Good luck to both of you.
Reply:There doesn't seem to be a question, are you asking how you can make her not feel bad? or why she sometimes doesn't come back when she says she will?

She probably feels bad because she wanted to talk to you but got caught up in other things, tell her you understand.

She may be about to get back to you when the phone rings or something else happens and so she doesn't have chance.
Reply:find a new one seems like she wants to talk to you only when she wants too.........
Reply:maybe shes a guy and not gay, like you are.
Reply:you have to respect her and give her time to get the other things out of the way. it is obvious that she cares about you if she feels bad the next day about not talking to me. just give her some time to pass her tests and games or whatever and when she has more time, she will talk to you if you are willing to wait....
Reply:two opionions to this question 1. she really doesn't have time to be on the computer or 2. she has a real boyfriend and doesn't know how to brake it to you.
Reply:Guess I would tell her she does not have to feel bad that you enjoy the time you are able to talk with her and that will get better once exams, etc are over. Think your support will mean tons to her.
Reply:I couldnt care less if you report me or not, but maybe next time you can be more specific and actually ask the Question. Cos i have no idea what your ******* question is?!!! You are just listing facts about you and your girlfriend. Seems to me you are more worried about people who say get a life or internet dating is dumb then your real problem, whatever that is...
Reply:just keep trying to talk
Reply:Ask her, "Is there anything I can do to help you organize time so you can get your stuff done in order to make your day a little easier?" Don't say, "Is there anything I can do to help you organize time so you can get your stuff done in order to talk to you more?" Even though that is the idea here and you want her to have more time for you, word it more-so she thinks you're helping her out. Otherwise she could possibly take it wrong and think you're just trying to be selfish or something and that you are complaining that she's too busy. In a way you do have a complaint but I think you have justification to feel that way. Hope this helps! *Mandie*

P.S.-Contact me if you need any further help.

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